China | Under Xi’s gaze

China views America’s presidential nightmare with mirth—and disquiet

Some Chinese are rooting for Gavin Newsom to become the Democratic candidate

Joe Biden and Donald Trump on debate stage with spotlight on them and Xi Jinping watching from shadows, only his eyes visible
Illustration: Hanna Barczyk

Chinese officials scorn President Joe Biden’s view that the world is engaged in a “battle between democracy and autocracy”. In their view this is dangerous cold-war talk. But they are tough fighters themselves, ever keen to sow misgivings at home and abroad about Western democracy’s failings. The weaknesses revealed by America’s presidential contest and, in particular, the debate between Mr Biden and Donald Trump on June 27th may help their case. The Communist Party’s Schadenfreude, though, is mixed with apprehension.

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This article appeared in the China section of the print edition under the headline “Under Xi’s gaze”

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