Leaders | Beyond Ukraine

Rogue Russia threatens the world, not just Ukraine

The West must show its enemy is Vladimir Putin, not 143m ordinary Russians

Russians in Moscow silhouetted against a grey sky, with Red Square in the background
image: Getty Images

Like the tsar he models himself on, Vladimir Putin is about to be anointed as Russia’s ruler for another six years. The election he will win on March 17th will be a sham. But it should nonetheless be a wake-up call for the West. Far from collapsing, Russia’s regime has proved resilient. And Mr Putin’s ambitions pose a long-term threat that goes far beyond Ukraine. He could spread more discord in Africa and the Middle East, cripple the un and put nuclear weapons in space. The West needs a long-term strategy for a rogue Russia that goes much further than helping Ukraine. Right now it doesn’t have one. It also needs to show that its enemy is Mr Putin, not 143m Russian people.

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This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “Inside Putin’s Russia ”

America’s pumped-up economy

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