Middle East & Africa | Israel’s window of legitimacy

Will America pull the plug on Israel’s invasion of Gaza? 

Israel is racing to destroy Hamas as a global backlash grows

A woman flees with her child following Israeli air strikes in the al-Maghazi refugee camp in the Gaza Strip
Image: AFP

Israel’s ground offensive is entering a dangerous new stage, nearly two weeks after it began. On November 5th the Israel Defence Forces (idf) unleashed a series of devastating air strikes in and around Gaza city. The goal was to damage Hamas’s tunnel networks. Israeli troops are now operating in the city’s centre, where they believe Hamas has its underground headquarters, having encircled it from three sides. The advance units on different axes are now so close to each other that one of their chief concerns is avoiding “friendly fire” incidents.

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This article appeared in the Middle East & Africa section of the print edition under the headline “The countdown”

How scary is China?

From the November 11th 2023 edition

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