
Explore our coverage of France’s politics, economics, business and culture, in articles, charts, podcasts and video


A crushing blow for Emmanuel Macron’s centrist alliance

A big turnout for Le Pen’s hard right makes clear the president’s gamble backfired spectacularly


France heads to the polls in a critical parliamentary vote

Marine Le Pen’s hard-right party is expecting a massive surge


Emmanuel Macron’s centrists are facing a disastrous first-round vote

Marine Le Pen’s party will be the main beneficiary 


Macron has done well by France. But he risks throwing it all away

After the election, populists of the right and left could hobble a centrist president


Is the revival of Paris in peril?

The French election threatens a remarkable commercial renaissance


The economic recklessness of both France’s hard left and hard right

They favour soaking the rich, big spending and business-bashing


Hard-right parties are entering government across Europe

Germany is among a dwindling number of holdouts


Emmanuel Macron faces heavy losses after a short campaign

The next French government may be led by the hard right or hard left


Emmanuel Macron’s project of reform is at risk

A snap election in France reveals the flimsiness of his legacy

The Economist explains

How political “cohabitation” works in France

Upcoming parliamentary elections could lead to a new period of political friction

Finance & economics

How bad could things get in France?

The country’s next prime minister faces a brutal fiscal crunch


A hard-right 28-year-old could soon be France’s prime minister

Jordan Bardella is poised, social-media savvy and enigmatic


France is being thrown into uncharted territory

It could soon have a government led by the hard-left or hard-right


How Les Bleus went from zeroes to heroes

“Va-Va-Voom” chronicles the turnaround of the French men’s national team


Beyond France, the European elections will deliver more of the same

Outside France and Germany, the centre has largely held
