Aug 24th 2019

What are companies for?


Big business, shareholders and society

What companies are for

Competition, not corporatism, is the answer to capitalism’s problems

Betting on black

Asian governments are the biggest backers of the filthiest fuel

Even as private investors are shunning coal, states are throwing cash at it

Cathay’s mayday

Why China’s assault on Cathay Pacific should scare all foreign firms

China can get its way in corporate boardrooms but hurts itself with its pressure tactics

Budget before ballot

Now is not the time for an election in Italy

A snap poll could make the debt-laden country’s budget woes worse

Take aim

Germany needs fiscal stimulus. Here’s how to do it

The economy needs both permanently higher investment and a temporary boost


On the Amazon, BlackRock, Toni Morrison, e-scooters, HR, dry cleaning

Letters to the editor


What are companies for?

Big business is beginning to accept broader social responsibilities

Pursuing shareholder value is no longer enough, it seems

United States

The Americas



Middle East & Africa





Can get some satisfaction

How to keep your customers happy

Finance & economics

Multinational companies

Who wins from foreign investment?

Science & technology

Books & arts

Graphic detail


Economic Indicators