Sep 7th 2019

Assad’s hollow victory


Assad’s hollow victory

Syria will poison the region for years to come

Bashar al-Assad is on the verge of retaking Idlib province, the last rebel stronghold. But that will not end the chaos he has wrought at home and abroad

British politics

Boris Johnson’s Unconservative Party

The Tories’ tightening embrace of radical populism sets Britain up for a dangerously polarised election

What Mario Draghi should do to perk up Europe’s economy

Mario Draghi and the ECB confront a slowing euro zone

As the risk of recession in Europe rises, the ECB must act

A superclassic crisis

Blame populists, not reformers, for Argentina’s latest fiasco

The economy has suffered from the legacy of the past and fear of the future

Mind control

Artificial intelligence and war

As computers play a bigger role in warfare, the dangers to humans rise


On Hungary, the great auk, Brexit, Hong Kong, language, conservatism

Letters to the editor


Wings over prayers

Syria’s war is drawing to a close. But the pain will go on

Bashar Assad rules the ruins of a nation he has bombed and gassed into submission

Another migrant crisis

Turkey tightens restrictions on Syrian refugees

Despite official denials, many are being sent forcibly back to Syria

United States

[Insert your own Star Wars pun here]

Donald Trump unveils Space Command

The Americas



Middle East & Africa



An Olympic generation

A British baby boom grows up





Finance & economics

Science & technology

Books & arts

Economic & financial indicators

Graphic detail
