Nov 28th 2019

Inequality illusions



Inequality could be lower than you think

But there is plenty to do to make economies fairer

Democracy and the internet

How to police political advertising

Lawmakers, not tech bosses, should take the lead

A clarion call

Hong Kong’s elections were a rebuke to its government

The chief executive, Carrie Lam, and her backers in Beijing must draw the right lesson

The twilight of the WTO

The trading system’s referee is about to leave the field

Disputes are bound to get nastier

A bid for better batteries

Power storage is the missing link in green-energy plans

Why batteries are essential to fighting climate change


On diversity, Palm Beach, America’s army, AI writers, meat, genes, Emmanuel Macron

Letters to the editor


Measuring the 1%

Economists are rethinking the numbers on inequality

An academic disagreement has big real-world implications

The rich man’s world

In Sweden, billionaires are surprisingly popular

The land of ABBA and Ikea has high wealth inequality

United States

The Americas

Bringing back the greenback

Cuba reintroduces the dollar



Middle East & Africa

A slender chance for peace in Darfur

Sudan’s revolution could end the conflict in Darfur


From caliphate to courtroom

Turkey deports Islamic State fighters


Swing seats: Alas, poor Warwick

In Warwick, Remainers prepare to vote tactically



The everything-that-shines store

LVMH tests the limits of luxury

Where there’s a will

Huawei keeps on going

Affair of the heart

The reinvention of Novartis

Finance & economics

Science & technology

Books & arts

Ocean’s Eight on the Elbe

A stunning, sad heist in Dresden

Economic & financial indicators

Graphic detail
