Aug 15th 2020

Xi’s new economy. Don’t underestimate it


The Chinese economic model

Xi Jinping is reinventing state capitalism. Don’t underestimate it

China’s strongman leader has a new economic agenda

Fraud in Russia’s near-abroad

Belarus’s election was a sham. The West’s response has been feeble

The biggest protests in the country’s history call for proper democracy

Kamala Harris

What Kamala says about Joe

Joe Biden’s choice of running-mate reflects well on him

Credit where it’s due

Covid-19 is causing a microcredit crunch

Lenders deserve relief, belief and a dose of red tape

Grey v growth

Boris Johnson needs to focus on boosting Britain’s economy

The prime minister needs to recover the spirit of Margaret Thatcher


On elderly care, technology, Lyndon Johnson, choral singing, journalism

Letters to the editor


The new state capitalism

Xi Jinping is trying to remake the Chinese economy

Party control is mixed ever more intimately with market mechanisms

United States

The Americas



Middle East & Africa




Facing the world, blindfolded

The dereliction of American diplomacy


Superjumbo problems

What’s an A380 worth?

Finance & economics

Schools brief

Science & technology

An ancient murder-mystery

What killed the woolly rhino?

A plague of insects

Why locusts swarm

Books & arts

Nazi spies in America

The Führer’s man in Manhattan

Economic & financial indicators

Graphic detail


Right hand, left hand

Leon Fleisher died on August 2nd