Oct 17th 2020

Torment of the Uyghurs and the global crisis in human rights

Finance & economics

Free exchange

The Nobel prize in economics rewards advances in auction theory


Xinjiang and the world

The persecution of the Uyghurs is a crime against humanity

It is also the gravest example of a worldwide attack on human rights

Grading Trumponomics

How to judge President Trump’s economic record

Before the pandemic Trumponomics got one thing right and one thing wrong

Going full circuit

Britain should not resort to a new national lockdown

The costs would outweigh the benefits

Transgender rights

Letting trans women play in women’s sports is often unfair

Other sports could learn from World Rugby’s approach

Technology investing

The lessons from the Vision Fund

Son Masayoshi has shown that the future of technology lies as much in Asia as in Silicon Valley


On the debates, Germany, energy, Colombia, trade, Dominic Cummings

Letters to the editor


Battle royal

Thailand’s king seeks to bring back absolute monarchy

Maha Vajiralongkorn has provoked something new in Thailand: open criticism of a king

United States

Making the world glow

The plot against Gretchen Whitmer

The Americas



Middle East & Africa


Wear a different chain

Turkey locks up Kurdish mayors




The future of SoftBank

What SoftBank’s Masa does next

Science & technology

Books & arts

Economic & financial indicators

Graphic detail
