Sep 10th 2022

The man who would be Trump


The man who would be Trump

Win or lose, Jair Bolsonaro poses a threat to Brazilian democracy

All the signs are that he will lose an election and say he won it

Crunch time

How to deal with Europe’s energy crisis

Russia is turning off the gas. Power cuts loom. What should governments do?

Meet our midterm model

Republican candidates are doing much worse than they should

The party’s embrace of extreme positions and infatuation with Donald Trump are to blame

The mighty dollar

The dollar is as strong as ever. Isn’t it?

Technology is undermining the clout of the global reserve currency

From lavatory to laboratory

How spying on sewage could save lives

Wastewater surveillance is a cheap tool to spot health problems, but it is open to abuse

The in-tray from hell

Can Liz Truss fix Britain?

The new prime minister must eschew pantomime radicalism if she is to succeed


On children in war, Australia, credit cards, the Republicans, gene therapies, the European Union

Letters to the editor

By Invitation


Trump’s tropical disciple

Jair Bolsonaro is poised to lose the Brazilian election

He will not go quietly


United States

The Americas



Middle East & Africa




Where there’s muck, there’s data

How covid-19 spurred governments to snoop on sewage


Mr Smith goes to Silicon Valley

Why economists are flocking to Silicon Valley

Finance & economics

Science & technology


Economic & financial indicators

Graphic detail

The Economist explains
