Apr 8th 2023

What America gets wrong about gender medicine


Hug pylons, not trees

The case for an environmentalism that builds

Economic growth should help, not hinder, the fight against climate change

Trans treatments

What America has got wrong about gender medicine

Too many doctors have suspended their professional judgment

Rules of the code

What is a responsible cyber power?

Britain’s principles for cyberwarfare are a good start

An American first

What America’s friends should make of The Trump Show

Reasons to be both relaxed and worried

A frail financial firefighter

How to fix the International Monetary Fund

The fund must get tough on obstructive creditors, but save them a seat at the table

Higher expectations

The university lottery

Students are veering away from dodgy degrees. Governments should help them


On life expectancy, the Chagos Islands, the Federal Reserve, car washes, the OECD, eggs

Letters to the editor

By Invitation


Trans substantiation

The evidence to support medicalised gender transitions in adolescents is worryingly weak

The effectiveness and side-effects of the most common treatments are not well understood

United States

The Americas



Middle East & Africa


The inner circle of Germany’s chancellor

Who does Olaf Scholz listen to?

Falling off the black mountain

Montenegro’s long-time boss is ousted



Technology Quarterly


Finance & economics

Science & technology


Economic & financial indicators

Graphic detail

The Economist explains
