May 13th 2023

Peak China?


China and the world

Is Chinese power about to peak?

The country’s historic ascent is levelling off. That need not make it more dangerous

Border trouble

Small, sensible steps could help ease America’s border woes

The art of the practical in dealing with migrants, drugs and gangs

The outcast returns

The rehabilitation of Syria’s dictator raises awkward questions for the West

Clearer principles about how and when to ease sanctions are needed

A bad balance

Joe Biden is more responsible for high inflation than for abundant jobs

The main effect of the president’s economic policies has been to boost prices

A stochastic parrot in every pot

What does a leaked Google memo reveal about the future of AI?

Open-source AI is booming. That makes it less likely that a handful of firms will control the technology


On non-aligned countries and Ukraine, Israel, Turkey, artificial intelligence

Letters to the editor

By Invitation


Mountain range

How soon and at what height will China’s economy peak?

Estimates vary, depending on assumptions about population, productivity and prices

Superpower showdown

China v America: how Xi Jinping plans to narrow the military gap

From subs to nukes he is adding firepower despite a slower economy

Sun Tzu’s slide-rule

How China measures national power

And how we would do it

History lessons

The fall of empires preys on Xi Jinping’s mind

As economic growth slows, so will the president’s anxiety


China learns to manage decline

Lessons from Yichun, a Chinese city where children are a rarity

United States

The Americas


Pacific jitters

Will Japan fight?

Middle East & Africa

The hapless, stateless Palestinians

The Palestinians need new leaders





Finance & economics

Science & technology

47 genomes are better than one

“The” human genome was always a misnomer


Economic & financial indicators

Graphic detail

The Economist explains
