ESCALAR – call for expression of interest

The ESCALAR Call for Expression of Interest closed on 31/01/24. However, in the context of InvestEU, the EIF is still selecting financial intermediaries in order to continue mobilising venture capital funding for scale-ups.

Fund managers are invited to check the open call for expression of interest under the InvestEU Equity Products. More information for fund managers can also be found on our dedicated InvestEU portal.

Leveraging InvestEU resources, the EIF has launched the new European Scale-up Action for Risk capital (ESCALAR) Programme.

Under ESCALAR, the EIF will provide equity investments to, or alongside, funds in the areas of venture capital and private equity whose strategy focusses on European scale-ups. Funds should be targeting one or more of the InvestEU thematic and/or horizontal policy priorities in their objectives.

Using ESCALAR, the EIF will provide equity investments in a share class or fund unit of the fund (or its side fund) benefitting from additional protections that reduce both the EIF’s investment risk and the EIF’s expected return, compared to other (riskier) share classes or fund units in the fund - whilst providing higher upside return for such other share classes.

Eligible funds are based in, or investing in, the EU Member States and Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs), Norway and Iceland.

Application process

The EIF selects financial intermediaries based on applications received in response to this call for expression of interest. The selection and application procedure is aligned with the other equity calls under InvestEU.

Deadline for applications: 31 January 2024



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Read more online

Find more information on InvestEU in our detailed interactive brochure on InvestEU –available in our digital library. Check it out here:

Note: Following the recent withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, we are updating the relevant pages.


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 European Investment Fund   – The European Investment Fund is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.