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Invasive/Noxious Plants

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Invasive Plants

Invasive plants threaten forested lands and can spread to other areas if left untreated. The Forestry Division works closely with the New Mexico Department of Agriculture and other partners across the state to limit the spread of invasives and manage populations to improve wildlife habitat and protect natural resources.

The Forestry Division Invasive Plant Program (IPP) provides grants to high priority projects that apply integrated management practices, leverage effective partnerships, and monitor results. To qualify for a grant, projects must address the eradication of plant species on the New Mexico Noxious Weed List. Eligible applicants are non-federal governmental entities, including tribes (as long as other federal money is not involved). Applicants shall be required to provide 1:1 matching funds.

Successful projects typically include several cooperating landowners and include the following components:

  • Inventory and mapping
  • Planning and coordination
  • Integrated weed management
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Public awareness and education

Applying for Invasive Plant Program Grants

The Forestry Division accepts IPP applications year-round. Applications are batch-reviewed periodically according to available funds and program demand.

The next batching is expected to occur in March 2024. Interested applicants should apply by Friday, March 29, 2024 in order to be considered for Spring 2024 projects.

To submit a proposal, complete the Invasive Plant Program (IPP) Grant Application on our Forestry Division Submittable webpage

All questions can be submitted to Ash Taylor, Invasive Plant Program Coordinator, at [email protected].

Invasive Weed Management

Troublesome Weeds of New Mexico

NMSU College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service, NM Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Land Management and EMNRD Forestry, published in part with grant funds from USDA Forest Service.

2020 New Mexico Noxious Weed List

Criteria for Invasive Species

New Mexico Forestry Division Subrecipient Guide


Brush and Weed Control on New Mexico Ranges