Who We Are

The Global Partnership and Fund to End Violence Against Children were launched in July 2016 by the UN Secretary-General. The Partnership is the only global entity focused solely on Sustainable Development Goal 16.2: ending all forms of violence against children by 2030.

The End Violence Partnership is a platform for collective, evidence-based advocacy and action. Working with a unique coalition of more than 750 organisations including governments, UN agencies, research institutions, international NGOs, foundations, local CSOs, private sector groups and faith networks, we connect and convene partners to raise awareness, catalyse leadership commitments, mobilise new resources, promote evidence-based solutions, and support those working to end all forms of violence, abuse and neglect of children.

The End Violence Fund is a flexible funding vehicle that identifies new and emerging challenges to SDG 16.2 and invests in innovative initiatives that have the potential to replicate and scale. Fund investments typically have both direct impact for children and also generate data, evidence and learning that inform policy and increases the impact of other programmes to end violence against children.

Our Vision




The partnership has helped 30 countries become pathfinders – countries who make strong commitments to developing national action plans, adopting the evidence-based strategies of the INSPIRE framework, and linking with civil society organisations to build community support and change social norms.


Through the End Violence Fund, we have invested in partners to prevent and respond to online child sexual exploitation and abuse in more than 70 countries. End Violence also advocates for child online safety with governments, the technology industry, regulators, security agencies and others.


Through the Safe to Learn initiative, a coalition of governments and global organisations have joined forces to reduce violence in schools and use schools as a platform for safer communities. As of May 2020, 15 countries have signed on to Safe to Learn, committing to the initiative’s five-point Call to Action.

Latest News

Our History

September 2015

World leaders make a commitment to end all forms of violence against children by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. This moment presents a historic opportunity to unite the world behind a global, national and local movement to protect the world’s children.

July 2016

The Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children and its associated fund are launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon. At the same time, the UK Home Office becomes the first donor to the Fund with a commitment of £40 million to end child sexual exploitation and abuse online. Our first four Pathfinding countries present their commitments to children at the launch.

February 2017

In February, the first funding round is completed. Fifteen organisations join the first cohort of End Violence Fund grantees.

September 2017

End Violence launches its second funding round, which is also focused on building the foundations of an integrated response to online child sexual exploitation and abuse. The second cohort of 16 grantees is announced in February of the following year.

February 2018

The End Violence Solutions Summit is held in Stockholm, Sweden. The Summit brought together governments, the UN, civil society, the private sector, academics and children themselves, all with the mission to design and share bold solutions to end violence against children.

July 2018

End Violence co-incubates Safe to Learn with UNESCO, UNICEF, the United Nations Girls Education Initiative, and DFID. In its first phase, young people prepare a Youth Manifesto with demands, and a Call to Action for governments is completed.

September 2018

The End Violence Board approved our new strategy for 2019-2021. Building on progress made in the first two years of the Partnership, End Violence is now well-positioned to scale impact over the next three years.

April 2018

With the support of the Government of Japan, End Violence opens a new funding window to support 12 humanitarian projects in Nigeria and Uganda.

December 2018

End Violence and the University of Edinburgh co-host the first INSPIRE Master Class, bringing seven Pathfinding teams to Scotland to dig into the challenges of INSPIRE implementation.

January 2019

During the Education World Forum, eight countries endorse the Safe to Learn Call to Action, including Georgia, Ghana, Mexico, Moldova, Nepal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan and Uganda.

February 2019

The End Violence Lab, a collaboration between the End Violence Partnership and the University of Edinburgh, is launched.

March 2019

The Fund launches a large-scale research project to collect evidence on online CSEA and other forms of crimes against children – Disrupting Harm – in 14 countries in Southeast Asia, South and Eastern Africa.

July 2019

The University of East London and 5Rights Foundation become the first End Violence grantees to complete their joint project in Rwanda. The key outcome of this project took place in June 2019, when a child online protection policy and implementation plan was passed by the Rwandan government.

September 2019

The Fund launches a $13 million open call for solutions focused on leveraging new and existing technologies with the potential to enhance detection and response to online violence, with a specific focus on sexual exploitation and abuse. Approximately $3 million is reserved for invitation-only strategic opportunities.

December 2019

The first-ever End Violence Grantee Convening is held. Forty-seven individuals from 38 organisations, along with over 15 donors and external stakeholders gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to share experiences, bridge divides and learn from one another.

March 2020

COVID-19 is declared a global pandemic, forcing End Violence to rethink its ways of supporting partners, governments and organisations across the world. The Partnership launches a COVID-19 resource page, which is updated regularly to help our partners continue their essential work.

May 2020

Finland becomes the 30th Pathfinding Country through the End Violence Partnership.

June 2020

Jordan becomes the 15th country to endorse the Safe to Learn Call to Action.

December 2020

End Violence launched Together to #ENDviolence, a global campaign and Solutions Summit Series, to catalyse the political and financial commitments needed to end violence against children for good.


A child in Ukraine on the computer.
© UNICEF/UNI321765/Filippov


Members of the End Violence Partnership include United Nations agencies, governments, civil society organisations, philanthropic foundations and academic institutions. Below, you will find a small sample of our members. For a list of all members, please see our membership directory at https://www.end-violence.org/members.