OPA Membership


Membership in the Ontario Psychiatric Association is open to medical practitioners and healthcare professionals who qualify for membership, whose applications in writing for membership have received approval of the Board and who have paid the appropriate fee.

OPA Voting Member

OPA Voting Members fall under the following categories, and are allowed to participate in members’ meetings and to vote on OPA motions.

Full Member

A Full Member is a legally qualified practitioner who is licensed to practice medicine in Ontario and is:

  1. agrees to further the purposes of the Corporation as contained in the Articles; 
  2. agrees with the provisions in the Articles, By-laws and policies of the Corporation; 
  3. is a legally qualified physician who is licensed to practice medicine in Ontario; 
  4. is registered as a Fellow or Subspecialist Affiliate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, in the field of Psychiatry; 
  5. is in active practice in psychiatry or teaching psychiatry in an academic position; and 
  6. meets such additional applicable membership application assessment criteria as may be determined by the Board from time to time.

A Member-in-Training is a person who is registered in an approved, psychiatric, post-graduate training programme, or, in an undergraduate medical programme, in Ontario.

  1. agrees to further the purposes of the Corporation as contained in the Articles; 
  2. agrees with the provisions in the Articles, By-laws and policies of the Corporation; 
  3. is registered in an accredited psychiatric residency or fellowship training program in Ontario; 
  4. does not otherwise qualify to be a Full Member; and
  5. meets such additional applicable membership application assessment criteria as may be determined by the Board from time to time.
Life Member

A Life Member is any Member who has reached the age of 70 and who have been an Active Member in good standing for 30 consecutive years.

OPA Associate

An Associate Member is any person who is a legally qualified medical practitioner or who occupies a position in nursing, psychology, social work, occupational therapy, or any other profession or occupation, closely related to psychiatry. OPA Associates are unable to vote at OPA member meetings, but are invited to attend and are qualified to receive other OPA benefits. OPA Associates would include the following:

  1. certified psychiatrists without active licence to practice independently in Ontario; 
  2. certified psychiatrists who are licenced to practice independently in jurisdictions other than Ontario; 
  3. trainees registered in an accredited psychiatric residency or fellowship training program in jurisdictions other than Ontario; or
  4. trainees, certified health practitioners and clinicians, or clinical researchers in a discipline closely related to psychiatry or mental health, in Ontario. Qualifying disciplines include medicine, medical psychotherapy, general practitioner psychotherapy, nursing, psychology, social work, registered psychotherapy, occupational therapy.
Inactive Member

An Inactive Member is a Full Member who has withdrawn from active practice in Ontario and has applied to be an Inactive Member. An Inactive Member may be reinstated as a Full Member upon notification to the Association that they have resumed practice in the province.

Honourary Affiliate

An Honourary Member is a person whom the Association wishes to honour in accordance with criteria established by Council. Any member may nominate an individual to this membership category.


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