Crimes against life, limb and personal freedom

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05 July 2024|PRESS RELEASE
Coordinated efforts from Romanian and French authorities, with support from Eurojust and Europol, have led to the dismantling of a human trafficking network. The organised crime group (OCG) trafficked Romanian women into France for sexual exploitation. During a recent action day, eight suspects were...
23 March 2022|PRESS RELEASE
With overnight support from Eurojust, the alleged suspect of the murder of the well-known Argentinian rugby player, Federico Martin Aramburu, was arrested early this morning in Hungary. The Agency enabled the rapid execution of a European Arrest Warrant (EAW), before the end of the legal preventive...
12 July 2021|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has ensured rapid judicial cooperation between the Swedish and Spanish authorities for the immediate arrest of a murder suspect in a case that shocked Sweden last year. Through on-call coordination via the Agency, the Spanish authorities were able to arrest the suspect practically...
04 March 2021|PRESS RELEASE
The Metropolitan Court of Budapest has sentenced a contract killer to life imprisonment for committing two murders in drug-related cases in Amsterdam and Budapest in 2018, after he was arrested in Prague a year later. The role of Eurojust was instrumental in the decision on which jurisdiction to...