Earth Magic healing circle

Earth Magic healing circle

Healing circle working with Angelic meditations - healing Earth, humanity's relationship with Earth, visioning the highest good of all.

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Starts on Mon, 16 Sep 2024 11:00 PDT



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About this event

Candace Caddick channels working meditations from the Angelic realm and we work with these, following our own instincts and visions, guided by our own higher selves. As a visioning group our hearts lead us to create a better present and future through love.

The Archangelic Guides tell us "you each have individual strengths and we help you choose the direction to align with those strengths. Some anchor the group in stillness, while others who have the skills are busy moving logically between tasks. If you were all the same, the group would be less effective. This circle has the right people each week to step into the most important areas to work together, and when there is a larger group there is a more complex covering of the jobs between you. It’s enhanced by numbers when the group is large".

Our time together starts with greetings, a guidance/teaching channeling from the Archangels and then we move into their working meditations. We each go to where our internal guidance leads us when in the meditation. After this time closes people can choose to share their experiences and visions helping create a complete vision of the work of the circle helping bring them down to the physical plane. Many are working in the field of potential creating future timelines that are for the highest good of all while others are grounding and holding the group in love as we sit in circle. All are included, each of us bringing our unique gifts.

"Introspection and meditation will enrich you as times change, freeing you to move into new directions when they appear." Archangelic Collective (channelled by Candace Caddick)

We are a small global group gathering via Zoom 3 Mondays each month. Circles are the first and third Monday at 19:00 UK time and the fourth Monday at 13:00 UK time adding our much-needed community effort to all the healing work happening on Earth right now. It is a group effort with the circle anchored in different continents and being in service in this way strengthens us in return.

Angels and beings of light need for us as planetary residents to request their help to bring their energy down onto the physical plane. We feel that as we help Earth to stabilise, our own human problems are supported and healing happens.

It is very interesting and rewarding work and we hope you will join us. Many people drop in when it works for them and some people come to every circle. It's a powerful time to meditate in groups manifesting together for the highest good of all! We in turn receive personal healing amplified by the group energy. Love of the Earth and a willingness to help are the only requirements for attendance. We welcome participants from all spiritual practices and the group energy holds participants old and new.

If you have a question or feedback, please email us on [email protected]. The zoom meeting waiting room will be available before the meeting opens so that you can login and check your connectivity in plenty of time before we start. Candace has channelled seven books for the Archangels which can all be purchased on Amazon or via her website if you would like more guidance and teachings for individual and collective support.

Looking forward to being in circle with you and creating Earth magic together!

Love Candace and Grainne

Image credit - 906561 © Roman Krochuk |

Organised by

The aim of the Earth Magic circle is to create the type of energy in an online circle that we have when we are sitting together in a room. Reiki Masters Candace Caddick and Grainne Warner set up Earth Magic in May 2020 to provide a place for energy workers of all kinds to meet and work together, in partnership with each other and angels and elementals. In the Earth Magic healing circles Candace is given the guided meditations by Archangel Michael to start the Earth healing journeys, and people have the chance to share what they were up to afterwards if they wish to. These journeys so far have been awe-inspiring. We are creating energy blueprints for change in our group, and that is the role of this circle. We also provide workshops and courses for personal growth and healing to enable us to grow more into our full potential and give support where we are each called to be of service.

The Earth Magic healing circles include a channeling for the group from the Archangels to help support our growth and the meditations connect us with light beings to work together for the planet. Angels and beings of light need our help, as planetary residents, to bring the energy down onto the physical plane. This in turn strengthens us. Each person does their own part unique to their talents to heal the Earth while working with their spirit guides. There are other circles working with us from the angelic and elemental kingdoms, with the Earth as an equal partner.

People are attending from all around the world, giving us the chance to work in many localities. We feel we are forming a community, one that has the strength to hold new members. Love of the Earth is the only requirement for attendance. The Earth is changing fast. Please come and join us.

Candace Caddick is a Reiki Master and clairaudient channel living in Surrey offering classes and sessions there. Born in the USA, she has lived in England for most of her adult life. In 2009 the Archangels wanted to write a channelled book about the Earth to help us to see the reality of the world we live on and they chose Candace for this work.  See her website for more information about her, the wonderful books she's channeled and to read her blogs.

Grainne Warner is a Reiki Master and healer who was born in Ireland and lived in London for most of her adult life. She has led many meditations online for Reiki Home and The Reiki Association UK. Grainne has studied many healing modalities and teaches Reiki and gives treatments. She is passionate about healing the Earth and our relationship with Earth and as part of this work she and her husband are co-creating a wildlife haven and forest garden in Hampshire.