No matter what kind of event you’re promoting, there are core strategies you can follow to attract as many attendees as possible. We’re taking inspiration from our Eventbrite experts and event organizers to offer this complete guide to making your event a hit.

Illustration box that leads to download of an event promotion timeline checklist

What are the benefits of event marketing? 

No matter the size of your event, you should conduct outreach to ensure people hear about it. From intimate concerts to large conferences, all events benefit from marketing.

Why invest time and attention in marketing your events?

Events aren’t just a way to throw a fun party—though, let’s be real, that’s part of the magic! They also help you meet important goals, including:

But you can only unlock those benefits if you market your events successfully, and that means focusing on the quality of your marketing, not just the quantity. You need to ensure you target the right audience at the right time with the right kinds of marketing. 

Targeting the right audience with your marketing efforts

Large crowd at a concert
Ultra Australia / Ultra Australia 2023 / Sidney Myer Music Bowl & Kings Domain / Melbourne, AUS

You might have several different profiles of people you want to attend your event. You can target those audience segments with campaigns on different platforms, so the right mix of people hear about your event.

For example, you might be looking for senior directors of companies in specific industries to attend your trade show. By targeting that audience across social media or via ads on events search engines like Eventbrite, you can ensure your event will be full of the people you’re looking for.

But before you start spending time and effort on marketing, you need to be clear on what you want to achieve.

Fun fact
Events are a popular form of entertainment, and 69% of people would rather spend on an experience vs. material goods. People browsing Eventbrite are already looking for an event to attend—this is an ideal audience to get in front of.

Learn more about Eventbrite’s built-in marketing tools.

Create a marketing strategy

Once you know your goals and how you’ll measure them, develop a marketing strategy to help you achieve them. 

Different marketing strategies are better suited to different events and marketing goals. If your goal is to have as many event registrations as possible, your strategy should include marketing tactics that appeal to a wide audience. That might include:

On the other hand, you might care more about attendee feedback and information retention, which will see improvement if your attendees are already highly interested. For that, you’ll need a highly tailored marketing strategy, such as:

Making an event promotion timeline where you outline the marketing strategy you want to follow and the concrete steps you should take to make it happen will help clarify your actions at each step.

Download our Event Promotion Timeline Checklist to keep your marketing strategy on track.

Following your strategy is easier once you familiarize yourself with the different event promotion channels you have available to you.

Event promotion channels and how to use them

Marketing is not a one-note song. You should use a variety of channels to reach your target audience and entice them to attend your event.

Event promotion websites 

An essential first step in gaining traction for your event is to get it listed on a reputable event promotion website.

This listing acts as your primary online event page to drive invitees to when you send them emails, texts, or social media messages asking them to attend.

But there’s a secondary benefit. By listing your experience on an event-discovery platform like Eventbrite, you immediately take advantage of the site’s reach and its captive audience of eventgoers.

Let’s say you’re a social media whiz looking to help small business owners maximize their presence. You’ve decided to run a conference-style event with some impressive speakers.

By listing your event under categories like business, marketing, and career on Eventbrite, it automatically shows up in search results when potential attendees browse for upcoming events in those categories or with those keywords.

Now that your event page has appeared in the search, you want people to click on it, read the details, and feel compelled to buy tickets. So aside from important basic information like the event name, date, and location, your listing should motivate those potential attendees to purchase tickets and turn up. The way to accomplish that is to focus on how they will benefit from attending.

This listing below by NWP Events is a perfect example of presenting the benefits and value of an event to participants:

Screenshot of an event listing on Eventbrite

Event social media marketing

People are constantly on social media, and they’re using it more and more for recommendations from people and sites they follow and trust. To maximize your social media marketing, promote your event on a few different platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok, so that you’re reaching a variety of potential attendees where they’re already looking for things to do. 

When promoting an event on social media, your biggest challenge (and, therefore, goal) is to cut through the noise.

People are already oversaturated with content on social. So your post needs to get straight to the point and illustrate why your event is compelling. Include the following in your social media posts:

Check out this ad below for a U AID Foundation charity event.

Charity Art Fair Instagram Ad

In their Charity Art Fair Instagram ad, U AID Foundation captured all the necessary information and created a compelling invitation for people to unite through art and support the people of Ukraine.

You can apply these tactics to both paid social media ads and your organic social media strategy. The main difference in their reach is that organic traffic is more likely to come from your existing audience, whereas ads can bring you views and engagement from a new audience you want to attract. Which one you lean on depends on your event goals.

To amplify your message through organic social, you could create a sequence of posts that drive urgency as you approach the event date. For instance, your first post would introduce the event, while a later post might be an update on ticket availability, newly announced performers, food and drink options, swag, etc.

The more you use social media, the more you’ll be able to get a sense of what’s working and resonating with your followers.

When you make these tweaks, make sure to measure these key metrics:

Listing your event on an events platform like Eventbrite and promoting it through social media are great short-term strategies. However, if you repeatedly run events or if you’re organizing a large event and you can start your marketing early, you may want to consider how you’re going to get your event to turn up when people search for them through their chosen search engine.

Search engine optimization (SEO) for events

Your event page needs to be optimized for specific keywords relevant to the event to make it easy for search engines to find you, as well as people when they search on platforms like Google.

Start by using a keyword research tool to find the words and phrases that get the top results on Google, Bing, and other popular search engines.

For instance, if you want your event to show up in the search results for “networking events in Seattle,” the words “networking event(s)” and “Seattle” have to be present in your listing.

While it’s smart to optmize your listing for keywords, just remember that SEO is a little more complex than that. It can take time for a page to rank (sometimes months, which isn’t very helpful when your event is in a few weeks), and pages with what’s termed “domain authority” are likelier to rank.

So if your event is soon—or your website is very new—rather than listing the event on your own site, choose an authoritative and established partner to host your event listing. The higher your partner’s domain authority, the better chance your event has at ranking in search results. 

That’s why listing your event on Eventbrite is so helpful. It’s the only ticketing or registration page with a high enough domain authority to rank alongside sites like Yelp.

Check out this Google search for “networking events in Seattle:”

Google search screenshot seattle networking events

See? The first results are all Eventbrite events. Cowabunga!

Email marketing

To properly market your event, you’re going to need a strong email marketing strategy, too. Not only is email a direct line to potential attendees, but it’s also an optimal channel to build your audience.

To be effective, your email invite should:

Like your social media event promotion strategy, the email strategy for your event should be scheduled and sequenced. For example, you might use a tool like Eventbrite to design a series of emails that gradually applies urgency, so that your final email looks something like this:

Event email invitation

A sequence like this will help maximize email performance and drive more attendees to your event.

Speaking of performance, to make your event email marketing effective, you need to pay attention to key metrics like open rate, click-through rate, and unsubscribe rate. 

Maximize your results by doing the following:

Tip: Stand out in an eventgoer’s noisy inbox with these event email templates written for us by the experts at MailChimp.

Word of mouth 

Don’t underestimate the power of word of mouth in getting more attendees to your event.

Think about it: If every person currently attending gets just one other person to come, you’ve doubled your attendance.

To encourage this spontaneous, organic outreach, you’ll need to find a way to incentivize those who already have tickets or are about to buy them to invite others. For example, you might run a cash-back offer, where for every successful invite an attendee makes, they earn a small amount of cash in return. If they bring enough new people in, they could end up getting their tickets for free!

Advanced marketing techniques if you’re ready to level up

Ready to move past the basics and dig into even more advanced ways to market your event? You can increase your marketing efforts’ impact with these advanced marketing techniques. They might require a little more elbow grease but can pay off in the long term.

Event marketing examples from your fellow organizers