Mother Jones


We asked authors and artists to suggest books that bring solace and understanding in this age of political rancor. You can read their complete responses at

Piper Kerman Orange Is the New Black

Jesmyn Ward’s Men We Reaped absolutely gutted me. I return to it again and again in my mind because it so perfectly crystallizes what’s at stake. The book that actually provides me with solace is Alice in Wonderland. I had a copy in my locker when I was incarcerated, and I’ve got one on my bedside table now.

Jeff Chang We Gon’ Be Alright

The Next American Revolution, by Grace Lee Boggs (with Scott Kurashige), reframes revolution as not a bloody, destructive process, but a set of soulful, creative acts that grow community and consciousness. Her vision guides us now as we build the resistance.

Karen Russell Sleep Donation

Because if everything we write and read becomes dire and reactionary, Trump will have truly won, here’s a book that celebrates the radical freedom

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