

Want to safeguard your startup from a long list of business killers? Time to talk insurance
UNDER COVER Depending on what your business does, you might need some very specialized types of insurance policies.

BY THE TIME LEO WELDER LAUNCHED online startup guide in 2008, he’d purchased a handful of general insurance policies but skipped the intellectual-property litigation insurance. “We weren’t filing any patents or selling any specific technology, so it didn’t seem important at the time,” the Austin-based entrepreneur says. By the end of the year, however, he found himself embroiled in a trademark lawsuit with J2 Global, a publicly traded company in Los Angeles, over use of the term efax.

In the end, the companies reached a settlement and ChooseWhat survived—but not before Welder had spent several hundred thousand dollars funding his own defense. So he soon purchased an errors and omissions policy to protect his

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