With New Video, Grandaddy Finds Humor In Grief

In his first interview since the loss of Grandaddy bassist Kevin Garcia, Jason Lytle talks about the band's indefinite hiatus and a new video that documents, in deadpan, his love of inanimate objects.
Grandaddy's Jason Lytle

Grandaddy frontman Jason Lytle has always been more comfortable with machines than people. It's a dynamic he's well-documented, and even romanticized, in his work, with tales of misfit characters and their troubled relationships with everything from robots to appliances. Perhaps it's because mechanical friendships don't require much of an emotional investment — they're not built on a lot of open and earnest discussions. Lytle has always been a private and often guarded person who finds comfort knowing he never has to listen to a microwave talk about its feelings or, more importantly, talk about his own.

"I kind of have this unhealthy fondness for inanimate objects," says Lytle. "I find myself talking to a frying pan.

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