
Go with the flow

Have you ever been doing something and completely lost track of time? Have you ever felt “in the zone”? In those times you may have felt like nothing else mattered; you may have even forgotten to eat or not heard people talking to you. Did you notice how deeply focused, happy, creative, productive and at ease you were during those times?

This experience of being in the zone is what psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls the “flow state”. The flow state not only feels fantastic but also boosts your productivity, creativity and wellbeing and can provide you with a powerful way to reconnect with what matters to you in life.

What is flow?

Csikszentmihalyi began studying the state of flow while he was researching happiness and seeking to understand what created a life worth living.

What he discovered was that people who spent time in a flow state were happier and more satisfied with their lives. He also found they were more productive and creative.

So what exactly is flow? In his book , Csikszentmihalyi explains that flow is a unique state of consciousness that allows you to perform and feel your

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