Best Self Magazine

Breathwork: A Way Back to Life

Breathwork: A Way Back to Life by Zoe Wood, photograph of woman meditating by JD mason
Photograph by JD Mason

How simple, conscious breathing techniques allowed a young woman’s soul to speak, her truth to come out and reconnected her to life.

I stood up straight in her whitewashed office. I am not sure what craniosacral actually means, but I have gone to see Suzy because the one person I trust, my psychotherapist, has said that this craniosacral lady will be able to help me — and I am sure I need some help.

“You’re barely breathing,” Suzy observes. I am standing with my back facing her being examined, in my full ballet dancer straightness from hours of dancing in frigid church halls. Suzy explains she works with adults just in the same way as she does little babies, and I am relieved at this, though I still have only a vague

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