Best Self Magazine

The Inner Game of Weight Loss: How to Shed Bad Habits and Unwanted Weight

The Inner Game of Weight Loss: How to Shed Bad Habits and Unwanted Weight by Trevor McDonald. Photograph of feet on a weight scale by I-Yunmai
Photograph by I-Yunmai

Losing weight can be a lifetime struggle, but it is a struggle that you can win once you learn to transform your eating habits towards health

Food is love. Food is happiness. Food doesn’t judge, and it’s always there for you. Whether you’ve had a bad day at work, your children are out of control, or you’re dealing with personal loss, food can be a reliable and soothing constant in your life.

While some people may turn to other dangerous habits to deal with their stressors, for many people, the drug of choice is food.

Sure, you may be carrying around a few extra pounds, but what’re a few extra pounds in the grand scope of things? 

At least, these are the things you tell yourself. The things you say to yourself to help conceal the shame and embarrassment of compulsive overeating. The things you say to make yourself feel better when you’ve outgrown another pair of pants.

How do I know this? Because I once told them to myself.

Everyone has a bad habit (or two). Maybe you’re always running late. Or you bite your nails. But if your bad habits are causing you unwanted

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