Artist's Back to Basics

5 Stages of Line Drawing

When talking about the nature of the actual lines that are used when drawing any freehand composition, there are to my way of thinking five clearly separate stages you go through to take your layout from a blank piece of paper to the precise and accurate linework drawing you need to achieve before any hatching (toning) is started.

Rough Sketch (fig. 1)

The initial marks made on the paper to decide the relative size and position of the largest identifiable shapes in any composition. Sketching (off the shoulder) with a blunt pencil is the only technique to use at this early stage. All lines are soft and speculative and quite often two or three (or more) can be laid down side by side to visually “home in” on the rough shape and position you really want. Lay down your lines not only looking at the composition as a whole but where it is being placed on the paper relative to the edges. Always leave yourself an extra inch or two of “safety

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