Best Self Magazine

Soulmates: We May Have Many, But Finding Them Begins with Self-Love

Soulmates: We May Have Many, But Finding Them Begins with Self-Love by LaChon M. Yeldell. Photograph of a woman pulling a man by the hand by Wira Dyatmika
Photograph by Wira Dyatmika

Relationships with soulmates can transform you into a better version of yourself. But first you need to heal what is broken inside you

Soulmates are those people who come into our lives to add to our soul’s journey. They help us grow, learn, and evolve. There’s a common myth that we only have one soulmate, but this simply isn’t true.

The truth is that we have several soulmates because soulmates can be family members, soulmates can be friends, soulmates can be ex-lovers, and soulmates can be our current partners. There’s such freedom in this reality.

Because we have more than one soulmate, we no longer have to hold onto one person thinking they’re

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