

( page 48), at 95, has stayed true to his promise that “some things must be remembered.” He continues to lay roses on Katharina Esser’s grave every March 6. Saint Gereon’s Basilica recently gave him approval to erect a brass plaque in her memory. Last fall, during a reunion of Third Armored Division veterans at Fort Benning, Georgia, Clarence was inducted into the Order of Saint George, which honors tankers and cavalrymen, and attended the unveiling of the Third Armored Division Monument. The story of the Pershing versus Panther battle by Adam Makos. Clarence found that talking to Adam and making peace with his former adversary Gustav Schaefer helped his PTSD, so he now goes to support groups to encourage younger veterans to talk about their problems. “Someone has to speak up for all the guys who fought,” Clarence says. is available on and at bookstores nationwide.

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