PC Gamer


The omnipotent Finnish janitor of the Federal Bureau of Control really wants to go on vacation, but can’t until I’ve vanquished his old nemesis, The Clog. In what we’ll call the ‘bottom’ of The Oldest House, an impossible building in the middle of New York that’s infinitely larger on the inside than the outside, The Clog takes up residence near the coolant pumps, a swirling mass of brown slop that moans like a T-Rex roaring bubbles into a glass of milk.

I shoot the wriggling tendrils peeking out of the body and the shit monster disappears down the drain to the tune of a toilet flushing. It’s never explained, but I like it that way. It helps keep the mystery alive.

A fridge levels buildings unless someone looks at it 24/7

an acrobatic third-person shooter set in an amorphous concrete dimension infested by the sanitised office culture of a 1960s-era government bureaucracy. Aside from a poo beast, you’ll discover new

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