Woman & Home

Where life TAKES ME

‘I’m so sorry!’

Patricia knew what she had to say to her sister. ‘Gosh, I’m the least of your worries. A broken foot. How awful.’

‘But what about the cruise? We’re meant to be leaving at the crack of dawn tomorrow.’

‘Don’t give it another thought,’ said Patricia. It was a miracle the words made their way out of her mouth. She’d been so looking forward to the holiday. It was three years since Patricia had been on holiday. It was three years since she’d done a lot of things – gone to the theatre, poked around an antiques market, had a conversation with someone before breakfast.

Slept in the same room as another being.

Not that she slept well. She slept like a stone being skimmed across a pond. Sinking, then repeatedly rising to consciousness. Edgy, fitful.

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