The European Business Review

Leaders of The Future Will Face These 2 Types of Challenges

In many ways, leaders a few decades ago lived in a simpler time with simpler tasks. Their employees tended to stay with the company for longer, which meant that leaders spent less time attracting and retaining talent, and the general pace of life and work was slower. Without advanced technology and constant connectivity, workers could clock out at 5 p.m. and be totally done with work – without even having to think about it in many cases – until 8 a.m. the next day.

But times have changed, and today’s leaders live in an increasingly busy and complicated world. With numerous distractions and changes speeding down the pipeline, it can be difficult for leaders to keep their organizations ahead of the curve. This will only get worse for future leaders. The pace of change isn’t slowing down, and disruptions to how we

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