Top Sante


“A week away revived body and mind!”

Jane Dowling, 52, from London, founder of, started experiencing menopausal symptoms in her early 40s. She attended the Kali Yoga Menopause Retreat this May.

I started getting menopausal symptoms in my early 40s and had pretty much all of them – from hot flushes, insomnia and anxiety to itchy skin, vaginal dryness and more. I managed holistically for two years but decided to go on HRT in the end. It was not a magic bullet though. A healthy lifestyle is key, from eating well and meditating to exercising to help prevent heart disease and osteoporosis. This summer, needing some ‘me time’, I went to the Kaliyoga Menopause Retreat in Spain and it was one of the best things I’ve done. A

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