
Mastering magic

British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke’s third law states that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. More than 50 years after he pronounced this, technology has been transforming industries beyond imagination – attributing to both the demise and the rise of sectors globally. Advertising is no exception.

While traditional advertising may have taken a hit, the growth in adtech is promising to revitalise the industry in new ways. The Australian online advertising market reached $8.8 billion in 2018, up 11.6% from 2017, according to the IAB Australia Online Advertising Expenditure Report published by PwC. Australian consumers now spend close to 100 hours a month on a desktop, smartphone or tablet device and nearly five million people are accessing internet content on their TV screens daily.

A lot of people feel that one of the big challenges in the advertising world today is the concentration of data and media power in the hands of a small number of companies...
Gartner VP, Andrew Frank

This change in consumption habits has opened up the doors for programmatic to extend its reach across mediums, and for advertisers to connect with consumers like never before. As programmatic becomes the norm, agencies continue to lean on service providers to help them in this space.

Demand-side platform (DSP) The Trade Desk (TTD) has gone one step further and built a bespoke media buying and data management platform (DMP) for agencies to call their own. Developed here in the Australian office, TTD’s Enterprise API (application programming interface) enables agencies and marketers to go beyond being just a service provider.

Instead, General Manager AU and NZ Clay Gill says TTD allows agencies and marketers to own a tangible product which they can customise to their needs. Rather than white labelling it, he says agencies have full reign to make the DMP their own and sell on to their own customers.

“It will almost revitalise agencies or media agencies

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