Australian Guitar


As a musician, you should treat your voice with the same care as your guitar, whether you’re a leader singer or just contributing the odd backup harmony. And it’s especially easy to overlook good technique when you’ve got two jobs to do at once.

Voice coach (and guitarist, bassist, luthier, producer, etcetera) Peter Strobl has worked with musicians including Eddie and Wolfgang Van Halen, and Clutch’s Neil Fallon, on improving their technique as playing singers. Now he’s here to offer us a no-nonsense set of essential tips you can start using now.


“Learn how to breathe properly. There appears to be massive confusion about this basic process. ‘Should my stomach go out? In? Should my lower back expand? Should my kidneys explode?’

“Breathing is what happens when you just relax and do nothing at all. Otherwise we would die when we fall asleep. Inhaling is actually a passive activity that happens when your abdominal muscles relax. Exhaling happens when your abs

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