You South Africa


THERE’S nothing like a divorce to bring out the worst in people. Now on top of all the anger and bitterness you may be feeling towards each other, you have to haggle about who gets to keep the toaster, the couch and the cat – no wonder the situation often ends in tears.

Whether a couple are married in community of property or not, with or without accrual of capital, often one party believes they’re entitled to more than

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• Leanne Barberini, Parktown North • Maria Meiring, Klerksdorp A 2 B 4C 1D 3 GALLO IMAGES/GETTY IMAGES,ADOBESTOCK ■
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Send suggestions for topics and requests for info to [email protected]. We may answer your questions in this column but won’t reply personally. YOU can save money in the long run by moving your home loan to a new provider, but be sure you do your h
