Click Science and Discovery Magazine for Preschoolers and Young Children

Sleepy, Sneezy, and Grumpy

Jamil Kane wasn’t feeling so great.

He woke up with a runny nose. At lunch he started sneezing. By bedtime, he was a stuffy, sniffly, sneezy mess.

“I hate having a cold!” Jamil said grumpily. He sneezed—once, twice, three times—and started to wipe his nose on his pajama sleeve.

“Hold on a minute, cowboy,” said Mom. “Use a tissue, not your sleeve.”

Jamil scowled. “I’d better not have a cold tomorrow,” he warned. “Scott’s coming over to play!”

Mom tucked the comforter snug around Jamil. “We’ll see. Get a

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Click Science and Discovery Magazine for Preschoolers and Young Children1 min read
Click Science and Discovery Magazine for Preschoolers and Young Children
CLICK Magazine (ISSN 1094-4273) is published 9 times a year, monthly except for combined May/June, July/August, and November/December issues, by Cricket Media, Inc., 1751 Pinnacle Drive, Suite 600, McLean, VA 22102. Periodicals postage paid at McLean
Click Science and Discovery Magazine for Preschoolers and Young Children1 min read
Don’t Throw It Away!
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Click Science and Discovery Magazine for Preschoolers and Young Children1 min read
Ella’s Baby Album
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