Country Style


WE ARE TUMBLING towards winter, the afternoons are short and last light is a sharp golden blast that I miss if I get caught inside. I rush through evening jobs to steal a walk with the dogs and even though we hurry, the dark catches us and the grey of dusk sinks to a crisp black out of which skeletons of gums loom, marking my track home. I’ve

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SOME OF JOURNALIST Alex Cullen’s fondest childhood memories are of sitting on wool bales in the shearing shed, listening to old-timers tell stories. “That’s what I miss most about the country – being surrounded and entertained by that wonderful humou
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THIS SPRING, for the first time in over a decade, I will not be acting midwife to thousands of ewes. After much soul-searching, we have sold our farm on the East Coast and moved everything except 99 per cent of the sheep up to the north of Tasmania t
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