Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens

A Wish for Kali

“IF ONLY I’D been born in August, Papa would’ve been home with me on my birthday,” I said sadly. “Why does his army posting take him so far away from home?”

“You know Papa would be here if he could.” Mamma squeezed my hand gently. “August is almost here, Raani. We’ll try making the most of your birthday without Papa. Remember my promise?”

“Of course, I do,” I said, cheering up instantly.

We were walking down the crowded temple bazaar of Kalibari, the home of the goddess Kali. Roadside vendors noisily hawked their colorful wares as a steady stream of devotees made their way to the temple, its vermilion dome blazing against the clear blue June sky.

“Khan, you sell the most expensive fruits in Shimla,” Mamma complained when we stopped at the fruit vendor’s stall.

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