More from Simply Woman & Home

Simply Woman & Home2 min read
What’s healthy RIGHT NOW?
Breathlessness during strenuous activity is common, and feeling short of breath can increase with age, but it can also be a sign of something more serious. To check your breathing, go to This test will help you to dec
Simply Woman & Home4 min read
Animal magic
There’s someone in my life who is always beside herself with joy to see me. Who is always up for an energetic run – come rain or shine – or a lazy cuddle on the sofa, where she’s definitely not allowed! She demands so very little but gives so very mu
Simply Woman & Home3 min read
Fresh Air CON?
Concerned about the quality of the air in your street? Worryingly, it’s the pollution inside your four walls that could have the biggest impact on your health. Air quality tests in UK homes have found that the air indoors has 3.5 times worse pollutio

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