Woman's Weekly

Seize THE DAY...

Sharon strolled through the park with her daughter Rachel and granddaughter Maddy. When Maddy saw some friends from school, she quickly ran off to play, while the two women took a seat on a bench, keeping a watchful eye on her.

‘I’ve got something to tell you,’ Rachel began.

‘Sounds ominous…’

‘I’m going out with Andy Lowry on Friday night. On a date,’ Rachel added, just in case her mother was in any doubt.

‘You’re doing what?’

‘I’m going on a date with Andy Lowry.’ Rachel was almost 30, but her dark eyes held all the defiance of a teenager, as she looked back at her mother. Sharon struggled to know how to react, her face a picture of total astonishment. Rachel was a grown woman, not a child to be corrected and told to listen to her mum. And yet… ‘Is that wise?’ she asked carefully.

‘I have no idea,’ Rachel admitted. ‘But I’m doing it and I’d like you to babysit.’

Giving herself time to

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