'Veritas' Asks How A Respected Scholar Could Be Duped By A Bumbling Fraudster

Author Ariel Sabar explores the lives of Harvard's Karen King and of Walter Fritz, the porn producer who convinced her the papyrus fragment he gave her — "The Gospel of Jesus's Wife" — was genuine.
<em>Veritas: A Harvard Professor, a Con Man and the Gospel of Jesus's Wife,</em> by Ariel Sabar

Christian women for centuries have dealt with biblical passages and dogmatic teachings that have severely constrained their opportunities for leadership in the church and consigned them to subordinate roles in marriage.

No words in the Christian Bible are more demeaning to women than those attributed to the apostle Paul in his first letter to Timothy, where to have counseled women to "learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men." The epistle continues, "She is to keep

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