220 Triathlon


Endless swims. Cold waters, rough tides and storms. Jellyfish attached to his face. That home-made neoprene face mask. The bananas. Endless bananas… These are just a few of the things we remember from Ross Edgley’s epic Great British Swim, which in 2018 saw him become the first person to swim the entire circumference of the British Isles. Many said it couldn’t be done, but with humour, grit, a steadfast boat crew and chunks of his tongue dissolving in the saltwater, he proved them wrong. Now Edgley has written a book, The Art of Resilience, which details the story of the Great British Swim and the sports-science lessons that made it possible. Here, 220 shares an exclusive extract. Over to the man himself…

It’s 7.00pm on 3 August 2018 and we’re 63 days (and over 800 miles) into the Great British Swim. We’ve reached the Gulf of Corryvreckan, a narrow strait between the islands of Jura and Scarba off the west coast of mainland Scotland. There is no doubt this is the wild, wild west of Great

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