BBC Wildlife Magazine

In Wallace’s footsteps

I was to see many of the animals that Wallace saw on his travels and stand in the places where he had stood.

It was one of those chance conversations that did it – the sort of conversation that all at once calls in the bulldozers to re-route life’s immediate trajectory and plant a sign at the junction declaring ‘DIVERSION’. That the conversation should lead to an unexpected travel opportunity was remarkable enough, but it brought in tandem an intimate appreciation of one of history’s most admirable and underrated naturalists, the co-discoverer of the theory of evolution: Alfred Russel Wallace.

I have to confess that it had always been Darwin, for me. Wallace was, well, the opposition – an upstart with the audacity to arrive at the theory of evolution by natural selection all at once during a fit of malarial fever instead of earning his distinction the hard way over decades of study. Of Wallace’s other achievements I’d been equally indifferent. I was aware of his contribution to biogeography. I knew he’d spent eight years collecting specimens in the Malay Archipelago in the 1850s, and that he’d travelled in South America before that and had lost all his specimens to a fire on the return voyage. I knew about the Wallace Line – an imaginary line proposed by the naturalist, which marks the boundary between the animal life of the Australian region and that of Asia – though I couldn’t have marked it on a map.

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