Who Do You Think You Are?


Over 200 years ago Solomon Earle, the 4x great grandfather of Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine reader Robert Adams, wrote an account of an epic march:

“In 1778, we crossed the Jumna at Culpee. Our first day’s march (3rd June) proved most disastrous, the heat intense, and the roads so bad that the carriage bullocks could not proceed. At the end of five hours we reached the only well that had been seen on the road. This renewed our spirits, and those who were ready to perish thought their troubles were at an end when the dismal announcement was made that the well was dry. We proceeded onward more dead than alive… Upwards of twenty officers fell sick from the sufferings of this day’s march. Captain James Crawford, one of the best Officers in the army, died raving mad, and five others died from the same causes a few days after. The thermometer was at this

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