Practical Boat Owner


Inspired by Katie and Falanda

What an inspirational article (Saving Falanda, PBO October 2020). A interesting and educational read about how a set of mariner parents raised their daughter on the briny and instilled in her the self-reliance that only that element demands, as most sailors recognise.

Katie McCabe’s independent spirit was obvious when at the tender age of 13 she decided to restore a boat that in the future she hopes to sail around the world.

I doubt if any of this would have been possible without the support of her dad, a self-taught boatbuilder himself, and an invaluable ally and tutor. Her mum eventually overcame her understandable objections and recognised her daughter’s immense ambition… albeit at such a young age.

Let’s hope she can spare some of her energy and seemingly boundless ambition in some way to inspire other youngsters. It’s unlikely many will have the same resourceful upbringing, but from little seeds… I

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