Fortean Times


“It’s a map for people who aren’t allowed outside,” explains Richard Littler. “That said, I’m sure many people wouldn’t want to venture outside, given what awaits them on the streets of Scarfolk…” Richard is, of course, the artist and writer whose sprawling multi-media project documents life in the maladjusted town of Scarfolk, a rabies-obsessed dystopia stuck in a nightmarish 1970s timewarp. We’re discussing the beautifully-illustrated Scarfolk map, a spoof Tourist Information guide to such locations as the Demon’s Abyss Housing Estate, the Cooling Tower Coven and the OAP Recycling Centre. It comes complete with barbed wire postcard (“Gateway to Europe”) and “Outsider Visa”, and continues Littler’s drift towards using the unsettling tropes of the mid-20th century to satirise current political events.

“The Scarfolk Twitter account is now followed by high-ranking cabinet ministers, and more than a few people have noticed the similarity between Scarfolk’s, and HM Government’s Covid response is further lampooned with a range of pandemicthemed Scarfolk beermats (pint of Super Spreader, anyone?) sold through .

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