If I want to make some money, then I usually have to work for it. If I want to have a hot meal, then I have to obtain, prepare and cook the ingredients or go into a restaurant and pay for the meal. If I want to go on a trip, I must actively organise everything necessary beforehand as well as earn the money for it. If I want to climb a mountain, then I must exert myself by putting in the effort, even if mostly the way itself and the health benefits more than ‘compensate’ me for the effort.

The above examples and thousands of others reflect the experiences we have on a daily basis and it is almost banal to mention them at all. They show that whenever we need to achieve something, we have to move in order to come to a result and achieve our goal.

There are only two, but widespread, exceptions!

The first: if I somehow came into a lot of money, I can, anonymously on the basis of capital gains, make my fellow human beings work for me, and theoretically spend the whole day relaxing in a hammock but still lead a luxurious life. Some hundred million people might have this possibility worldwide!

It is very important to mention this exception and to take a closer look at it, because at the moment we plainly have the opportunity to see how it is going to bring about a worldwide collapse! The imbalance in wealth distribution is so skewed

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