NZ Marketing

PRESENT: What marketers want from ADLAND

This industry-wide Agency Perception Survey provides both marketers and agency reps with insight into the nature of their working relationships, identifies challenges, strengths and weaknesses, and assesses how creative and media agencies can best respond to them. It also delves into budget allocation and spend, outsourcing versus insourcing and what the future of marketing holds for creative agencies in the wake of Covid-1 9.

On the next eight pages, we examine these exclusive insights, reveal what marketers look for in their agency partners, and offer marketers’ takes on some of the difficulties their peers face and how they can best be overcome.


Clients are generally looking for strategic thinking, creativity and effectiveness when evaluating creative and media agencies.

The main criteria for marketers when evaluating which creative/media agencies to work with are strategic thinking, creativity and effectiveness (all above 50 percent). At the opposite end, value for money (29

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