Minecraft World Magazine


Dear Ask Us Anything, I am Henry from Marlow, and I love your mags and love playing Minecraft. I just have some Minecraft questions to ask you! Please put me in your mag because I have never been in one before!

1. Is the 1.17 update on PS4?

2. Can villagers press buttons?

3. Why are villagers all bald?

4. Can you summon Herobrine on PS4?

5. Why do pigmen love gold? Thank you!

Henry Cox, Age 9

Dear Ask Us Anything, How do I move an End crystal without exploding it? From Ben, Age 8

Hey Henry! Thanks for writing in – now you HAVE been in a magazine!

⏹ It will be when it’s out, yep, but version 1.17 isn’t due to be released for a couple more months yet. As soon as it’s released, you should get the update automatically!

⏹ Nope, they can use pressure plates and open wooden doors,

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