You South Africa

Fait Accompli

WELCOME to Trankwill, Lena Vittorio. Please wait in the chamber for Bianca, who will be with you shortly.”

The disembodied voice instantly made me think of languid days on the beach, sipping a piña colada, the sun caressing my skin. I was shaken out of my reverie when the chamber door opened, revealing a smiling Bianca. “Good morning, Ms Vittorio. Please follow me.”

Although second-generation AI had had a major software upgrade, the voice modulation, the expression lines on her face and the warmth of her hand when I’d shaken it earlier almost had me convinced that Bianca was real.

“Since you’re early for your appointment,” she made it sound like a crime, “Would you like a tour before Dr McManus can see you?”

“Yes, please.”

“Trankwill is the brainchild of Dr Andrew McManus, a visionary and genius in his

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